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General Information

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the Internet website service that Spain By Law, S.L.P., makes available to Internet users interested in the services that it contains.

Spain By Law, S.L.P., with registered office at Avda. Teniente Montesinos, 8, Torre A, C.P. 30100, Murcia, C.I.F. B73958647 and registered in the Trade Register of Murcia, sheet MU-93227, folio 163, volume 3245, book 0.

E-mail: and telephone number 968 772 487.


The following terms shall have the meaning given to them below:

  • Contents: All the information, activities, products and diverse services, own or of third parties that are offered through the “web” site.
  • Cookies: Set of characters that are stored on the hard disk or in the temporary memory of a user’s computer when accessing the pages of certain websites.
  • Link (link): hypertext pointers that serve to jump from one information to another, or from one server to another, when browsing the Internet.
  • Hacker: Person who enjoys reaching a deep knowledge about the internal functioning of a system, a computer or a network of computers.
  • Internet: global telecommunications network that, through various computer programs and communication protocols, facilitates the connection between computers and the exchange of information between them and their users.
  • Domain Name: Identifier of a server connected to the Internet through an easy-to-remember name for the Internet User that corresponds to a numeric Internet address that is unique. An international authority and local authorities assign the different domains of general type (ending in .com, .net and .org, among others) and by countries (.es for Spain, .pt for Portugal, etc.).
  • Work: All creations of any kind (including collections and databases) original or derived, collective or collaborative, composed or independent, benefits and productions of any kind and nature that are subject to a right related to the right of author or a sui generis right, as well as industrial creations such as inventions, distinctive signs and industrial and artistic models and drawings, expressed by any medium or medium, tangible or intangible, currently known or invented in the future, created by the Spain By Law, SLP, or by third parties recognized by Spain By Law, SLP
  • Web page: set of information expressed in digital format and distributed in several interconnected pages through “hypertext” and “hypergraphic” technology, and to which third parties can access, through the Internet telematics network.
  • Server: computer system that provides resources to other computers connected to it through a network. The resources can be files, programs, information, permissions, etc.
  • “Web” site: Collection of web pages with a unique web address.
  • User: any person who accesses or navigates through the “web” site.

The present “web” site has been designed to make known and allow the general access of all Users to information, activities, products and diverse services, own or of third parties, offered by Spain Spain By Law, S.L.P. All this information, activities, products and diverse services will be jointly named within this document as the Contents.

The use of this site “web” attributes to the user the condition of User of the site, which implies the adhesion to these conditions in the version published at the moment in which it is accessed. Therefore, Spain By Law, S.L.P. recommends the User to read them carefully every time he accesses the “web” site.

Access to certain Content offered through this “web” site may be subject to certain specific conditions that, depending on the case, substitute, complete and / or modify these general conditions. Therefore, prior to accessing and / or using said Contents, the User must carefully read also the corresponding particular conditions.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. may alter at any time and without prior notice the design, presentation and / or configuration of the “web” site, as well as some or all of the Contents, and modify the general conditions and / or particular conditions required to use them.

Access and Security

In general, Users may access the Website freely and free of charge.

Use of the Contents

The User undertakes not to use any of the Content thatSpain By Law, S.L.P. put at your disposal to develop activities contrary to the laws, moral or public order and, in general, to make use in accordance with these general conditions.

The materials prepared by Spain By Law, S.L.P. available to users on this website, has been made solely for information purposes. The user must take into account that such materials may not contain the latest updates. Its modification or suppression may be carried out by Spain By Law, S.L.P. Without notice. No binding effect will be derived from any information provided through this website.

The materials that can be consulted through this website, or that are offered through it, can not be considered as constituting a professional relationship of any kind with the user. The user must not act on the basis of the materials on this website.

When Spain By Law, S.L.P. provide services to Users that, in any way, allow the disclosure of content by the User through the “web” site, such as distribution lists, chats, newsgroups, hosting of personal pages, etc. (hereinafter, “services assets “), the Users are obliged to make use of them in accordance with the law, these conditions, the particular conditions of provision of the service, morals, good customs and public order.

In particular, merely by way of example and not exhaustive, the use of the “web” site with the following purposes or consequences will be considered strictly prohibited:

  • When, in any way, fundamental rights and public liberties recognized constitutionally are violated or impaired, in international treaties or in the rest of the legal system.
  • When criminal, slanderous, defamatory, violent, or, in general, contrary to law, morality, good customs or public order actions are induced.
  • When discriminatory actions, attitudes or ideas are induced due to sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition.
  • When they incorporate, make available or allow access to products, services, activities or genres whose import, export, circulation, possession, trade or production is prohibited by the rules of the country whose legislation is applicable in each case and, specifically, the products, services, activities or genres included in the list that is detailed below and those of analogous nature or similar nature, unless the subjects that exercise a traffic on them, are duly authorized, and pointing out, but not exhaustively, the following:
  • Alcoholic beverages or Food.
  • Firearms, articles and dangerous materials, explosives or pyrotechnics, and defense material, in general.
  • Gases, chemical products, toxic, etc. or tobacco or Counterfeit articles, objects or works of art.
  • Material about child pornography.
  • Expired, defective, used products, etc. that endanger health or are potential to spread a disease.
  • Human beings alive, dead, parts or remains of them.
  • Live animals, dead or parts or remains of them.
  • Drugs, narcotics and the like.
  • Medical or pharmaceutical products, and those issued with prescription.
  • Lists or databases that contain protected personal data.
  • Public documents.
  • Identification documents (DNI, passport) and licenses.
  • Lists of emails.
  • Participations and actions.
  • Information classified as secret by the authorities of the country.
  • Satellite and cable television decoders.
  • Surveillance equipment, or any other mechanism or device created specifically to infringe the right to privacy in an unlawful manner.
  • Seized items.
  • Books, software, web pages, films, and any work or product in general, that have an illegal content, highly violent, racist, advocate terrorism or criminality, teach how to make weapons or explosives, etc.
  • Movies, photos, software, games, music, etc. created or marketed having violated intellectual property rights, patents or trademarks.
  • The products, services, activities or genres whose import, export, circulation, possession, trade or production is subject to the acquisition of an authorization or license, or special legislation, in which case, it will be governed by it.
  • The products, services, activities or genres acquired, produced, produced or marketed illegally.
  • In general, anything considered outside the trade.
  • When they can generate unjustified social alarm.
  • When they induce to engage in dangerous, risky or harmful activities for health and psychic balance.
  • When false or inaccurate information is disclosed, in a way that could mislead the listener.
  • When the infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties is violated or foreseeable.
  • When the breach of business secrets of third parties is violated or foreseeable.
  • When the violation of the right to honor, personal and family privacy or the image of people is violated or foreseeable.
  • When they constitute illicit, deceptive or disloyal advertising.
  • When it constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising (known as “Spamming”), chain letters or any form of lottery or gambling.
  • When they constitute unfair competition.
  • When any type of computer virus, defective files, or any other software or computer program that may cause damage or unauthorized alterations of the contents or systems of any kind accessible through the “web” site, may be disseminated.
  • When it is possible to alter or intervene by fraudulent means, personal Web pages or emails of other users without their authorization.
  • When an improper or inappropriate use can be made with respect to the normal functioning and purpose of all those Contents that may be included in the “web” site of Spain By Law, S.L.P., such as Chat-areas, Netmeetings, newsgroups , forums, etc.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. is not responsible for the use that each user gives to the materials made available on this website or for the actions performed based on them.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. reserves the right to exclude the User from active service, without prior notice, in the event that it carries out any of the above activities and to exercise the legal actions it deems appropriate. In any case, Spain By Law, S.L.P. has no obligation to control and does not control the content transmitted, disseminated or made available to third parties by the Users, except in cases where required by current legislation or when required by an Authority. Judicial or Administrative competent.

Any announcement or comment, opinion, declaration or recommendation made within the active services will belong exclusively to the Users that express said points of view and in no case will it be understood that they come from Spain By Law, S.L.P., keeping it undamaged and free of charges before any claim that arises from the use of these active services by a User in the manner in which it is prohibited in this contract or in the law.


Spain By Law, S.L.P. reserves the right to interrupt access to its website, as well as the provision of any or all of the Contents that are provided through it at any time and without prior notice, whether for technical reasons, security, of control, of maintenance, by failures of electrical supply or for any other cause. Such interruption may be temporary or definitive, in which case such circumstance will be communicated to the Users, who may suffer the loss, if any, of the information stored in the different services.

Consequently, Spain By Law, S.L.P. does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of its “web” site or the Contents, so that the use thereof by the User is carried out on its own account and risk, without, at any time, responsibilities can be demanded to Spain By Law, S.L.P. in this regard.


Spain By Law, S.L.P. will not be liable in case of service interruptions, delays, errors, malfunctions and, in general, other inconveniences that have their origin in causes beyond the control of Spain By Law, S.L.P., and / or due to a fraudulent or culpable action by the User and / or originates causes of force majeure.

Without prejudice to what is established in article 1105 of the Civil Code, will be understood included in the concept of force majeure, in addition, and for the purposes of these general conditions, all those events that occurred outside the control of Spain By Law, S.L.P., such as : failure of third parties, operators or service companies, acts of government, lack of access to third party networks, acts or omissions of public authorities, those produced as a result of natural phenomena, blackouts, etc. and the attack of Hackers or third parties specialized to the security or integrity of the computer system, provided that Spain By Law, S.L.P. has adopted all existing security measures in accordance with the state of the art.

In any case, whatever its cause, Spain By Law, S.L.P. will not assume any responsibility whatsoever for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages and / or loss of profits.Spain By Law, S.L.P. shall have the right, without any compensation to the User for these concepts, to temporarily suspend the services and Contents of the “web” site to carry out maintenance, improvement or repair operations thereof.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. is not responsible for content and opinions of third parties discharged on its website or the information contained on web pages of third parties that can be accessed by links or search engines of the web site, since the function of these is to inform to the User about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where you can expand the information offered on this website, and in no case implies suggestion, invitation or recommendation on them. For all these reasons, Spain By Law, S.L.P. will not be responsible for the result obtained through such hypertext links.

Spain By Law, S.L.P.  is not responsible for the use that each user gives to the materials made available on this website or for the actions performed based on them.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. does not assume any responsibility for damages that may be caused to the Users’ computers due to possible computer viruses contracted by the User due to browsing the “web” site, or for any other damages derived from that navigation.

Spain By Law, S.L.P.  does not offer any guarantee in relation to the continuity or absence of errors in any of the Content accessible through its “web” site, besides not guaranteeing the correction of any defect or the absence of viruses and other harmful components in this site “web” or on the server that supplies it.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. is not responsible for the veracity, lack of usefulness or adequacy for a specific use of this web site or the Contents; of the loss of data or services as a consequence of any delay, non-delivery, incorrect delivery of the exposed products or interruption of the service; of the accuracy, quality or nature of the information obtained through its Contents. The applicability of any aspect of the Content of this web site must be consulted with a specialist in the specific area.

In any case, the information provided on this website is intended to complement and not replace the advice that in any case must be obtained directly from accounting, tax, legal or other competent professionals.Spain By Law, S.L.P. strongly advises consulting a professional in the field before making a decision or performing a certain action.

The User shall be liable for damages and losses of any kind that Spain By Law, S.L.P. may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subjected by these conditions or the particular conditions that may be applicable.


Part of the “web” site may contain advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion in the “web” site complies with the laws that may apply in each case. Spain By Law, S.L.P.. will not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that may contain the advertising content or the sponsors.

In any case, to file any claim related to the advertising content inserted in this “web” site, you can contact the following email address:

Privacy and Data Protection

Through some sections of this web page may be required personal data, so we inform you that the treatment that will be made of such data will comply at all times, with the obligations established in the current legislation of protection of data of character personal.

Spain By Law, S.L.P. guarantees that it has all the files declared before the Data Protection Agency, as well as that it complies with the legally required security levels.

Those interested may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, through the following e-mail addressSpain By Law, S.L.P.

Industrial and Intellectual Property

Intellectual and industrial property rights are all rights recognized by the legislation of intellectual property that have patrimonial or exploitation character for any purpose and for any modality of use, as well as all the rights recognized by the legislation of industrial property, included in both cases the power to request the appropriate registrations and registrations for the obtaining or protection of these rights (hereinafter, the “Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights”).

It is strictly forbidden to use all the elements subject to industrial and intellectual property for commercial purposes, as well as its distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation.

Violation of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as an offense punishable in accordance with articles 270 and following of the Penal Code.

The publication of messages, web pages, storage of files or the public communication of any other content through the “web” site of Spain By Law, S.L.P. supposes the recognition in favor of this one of a gratuitous license with the maximum amplitude that allows the legal system that is of application, not exclusive and at world-wide level to use, to copy, to sublicense, to adapt, to transmit, to execute or to publicly divulge any of these contents, and sublicense to third parties the exercise of any of the foregoing rights, either in whole or in part.

Claims that may be filed by Users in relation to possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights over any of the Contents of this “web” site should be directed to the following email

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For any litigious issue or that concerns the “web” site of the Spain By Law, S.L.P., Spanish legislation will be applicable, being competent for the resolution of all conflicts arising or related to the use of this “web” site, The Courts and Tribunals of the city of Murcia (Spain).

Exercise of the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition

Finally, we inform you that you can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by written request addressed to the following email address: